23 Ranking Street, India

Sri Raghunandan Tiwari College, Dhamri GODDA

(A constituent unit of sido kanhu Murmu University, Dumka)

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Department of Economics


One of the most sought after courses, an Honours in Economics is highly reputed and well recognised in the University and industry. It introduces students to the basics of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, quantitative techniques, Development Economics and other specialised areas like Public Finance, International Trade, Money and Financial Markets, and Indian Economy. Elective courses that are offered in the honours course, have been judiciously selected bearing in mind industrial demands and a multidisciplinary framework ensuring wide diversity of courses across the field of Economics. The Economics department is credited with the publication of its annual economics journal, Okonomos which manifestes not only the variegated hues of economics but outstretches the conventional scope of the subject to incorporate views from the socio-political arena. Presenting a potpourri of ideas, the journal welcomes articles by research scholars on its guest column. The magazine’s gamut of economic and political issues is embellished by a creative corner as well. The journal enjoys a wide readership, both on and off campus. The department is credited with a highly dynamic and meritorious group of faculty, along with a vibrant and active student council, which regularly organizes seminars, lectures etc, giving ample opportunity to students to contribute positively to the department. The department actively promotes research, where teachers regularly engage with students to as co-learners and mentors to produce research that has significant managerial and societal implications. The faculty encourages the students to take up leadership positions in the Economics Society and promotes vibrant team- work that prepares the students to take up challenges further on in their career. Over the years, many new initiatives have been taken by the society, including ‘Vaktavya’, a lecture series where eminent personalities from varied fields address the students on engaging topics. The society also boasts of a Knowledge and Development Cell. After pursuing an Honours course in Economics, students have the options of pursuing a Masters course in the subject or allied disciplines, taking up professional courses, appearing for the UPSC examinations and other competitive examinations and opting for direct placement in several corporate and governmental organisations through the college placement cell. Hansraj students have secured admissions into prestigious Indian and foreign universities and institutions, including Ivy League colleges. They have gone on to hold important and influential positions in public and private sector alike. The department students and faculty strive continuously to further their achievements and bring laurels to the college and University.